College of Engineering & Mines

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Graduate Student Mental Health and Wellness Feedback Wanted

UND School of Graduate Studies – Graduate Student Mental Health and Wellness Feedback Wanted: 

The School of Graduate Studies is looking for volunteers for graduate student focus groups to discuss mental health and wellness challenges and concerns among graduate students, including thoughts and suggestions on programming–workshops, speakers, physical fitness, mindfulness–that would best support students in regularly attending to and promoting good mental health, wellness, and self-care. Focus group discussions will be led by a trained facilitator, and information shared with the School of Graduate Studies will be anonymized.

If you would be willing to volunteer no more than 1-2 hours of your time in late March or early April to participate in a focus group, please notify your department’s graduate program director by 3/11/2022.

For each college’s focus group, we would like to see a representative mix of students from varying backgrounds, including a mix of part-time and full-time students, as well as on-campus and distance.  We look forward to hearing from you!