Chester Fritz Library Updates

News and notes from UND's Chester Fritz Library

Posts Tagged
book recommendations

covers with an overlaid dove

International Peace Month

Categories: Reader's Advisory, Resources

covers with an overlaid dove

In 1926 August was proclaimed International Peace Month at the International Democratic Peace Conference. There are many ways to observe International Peace Month. This selection of books will guide you towards peace in your relationships, inner peace and a way to protest peacefully. Communication Nonviolent Communication: a language of life by Marshall B. Rosenberg Enrich […]

A collage of book titles featured in our Independence Days themed book post.

Independence Days Around the World

Categories: Reader's Advisory, Resources

A collage of book titles featured in our Independence Days themed book post.

A popular nineteenth century phrase held that ‘the sun never sets on the British empire’. Two centuries of revolutions and decolonization movements worldwide has put paid to the phrase, leaving the UK one of the only countries in the world without an independence day. Celebrate the 4th of July by taking a minute to learn […]

LGBT Book Recommendations covers

Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month at CFL

Categories: Reader's Advisory, Resources

LGBT Book Recommendations covers

LGTBQ+ Pride Month is celebrated in June in the United States to commemorate the Stonewall Riots.  During this time, many celebrations are held to honor and recognize the contribution and impact that LGTBQ+ people have had on the world. Here are a few of our book recommendations for this colorful month. Non-Fiction How We Fight […]

Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month at CFL

Categories: Reader's Advisory, Resources

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to recognize the contributions and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States. Celebrate with the library by enjoying some of our picks of books on Asian Americans. Non-Fiction and History Asian American History […]

Collage of books focused on autistic people and characters.

Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month with Grand Forks Public

Categories: Reader's Advisory, Resources

Collage of books focused on autistic people and characters.

Chester Fritz Library has partnered with Grand Forks Public to bring you a list of great titles to check out this April for Autism Acceptance Month. As Grand Forks residents, many in the UND community qualify for Grand Forks Public library cards in addition to their Chester Fritz Library access. Pick up a Grand Forks […]