For Your Health
For Your Health

News from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences

Tubs for Love Collecting for Sharehouse

As part of its annual Tubs of Love campaign, UND Staff Senate is collecting donations Nov. 6-17, 2023, for ShareHouse, a drug and alcohol recovery center. ShareHouse has been a leader in the Upper-Midwest for substance use disorder and mental health services since 1975. The organization utilizes an individualized care platform with a full spectrum of services to ensure all client needs are met.

As ShareHouse Resident Coordinator Heather Hofstrand put it, “The clients appreciate donations very much! We are low on everything right now, we have had many clients come in with just the clothes on their backs. We can use women’s and men’s clothing and shoes. All sizes are needed. Toiletries are also always needed and appreciated. The only thing that we ask is that products do not contain alcohol. Thank you!”

To drop off donations, look for a Tubs of Love tub in the SMHS building, or bring them to Alissa Hancock in Education Resources, SMHS Rm. E438b.