For Your Health
For Your Health

News from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences

Medical students go caroling at Valley ElderCare

ChristmasCarolers2018-2On Saturday, December 8, several first- and second-year medical students (and a friend of the group) went to Valley ElderCare near Altru Hospital to sing holiday songsĀ and play music for residents. The group then visited with with residents afterward. As the event began, 25-30 residents were in the room; but more and more joined upon hearing the music such that by the end of the performance the group was playing for an audience of 40!

From left to right in the photograph are: Stephen Zanton, Mariah Cooper (MS2), Christina Krieger (MS1), Audrey Lane (MS2), Zach Schmeiss (MS2), Destiny Nguyen (MS1), and Allison Cregg (MS1).