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Hands-on (virtual) workshop on rubric-building to be held on Jan. 27

Join Dr. Adrienne Salentiny on Jan. 27, 2021, at 3 p.m. for an online workshop: “Build-a-rubric hands-on: Learn increasing student performance, grading consistency, and feedback efficiency.”

Join via Zoom at:

When you create complex assignments and projects, it can be challenging and time-consuming to grade consistently. Students can also struggle to understand exactly what you are expecting from such projects since many students are accustomed to traditional assessments such as straightforward exams. Rubrics provide a single, powerful assessment tool that helps communicate assignment expectations (and reduces student questions), streamlines the feedback process, improves consistency of grading, and increases the quality of student work.

This hands-on session builds upon our previous workshop on assessment, wherein rubrics were presented as an assessment strategy. Dr. Salentiny will walk you through how to build your own rubric, so bring your own assignment description and begin building a rubric for it.

If you missed the previous workshop, or don’t have a project, don’t worry—there will be a review and Dr. Salentiny has a sample you can use to build a rubric together.

This faculty development session is hosted by the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship unit of Education Resources and the Office of Education and Faculty Affairs. Previous faculty development sessions can be streamed from our website.

If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to suggest a future meeting topic, please contact Adrienne Salentiny at