For Your Health Migrated

News from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS).

Faculty development: Building online interactive simulations and tutorials with SimTutor Feb. 11

The SMHS has purchased a limited number of licenses for SimTutor, a tool for building online tutorials and simulations quickly. With SimTutor, you can easily take images, video, and audio and integrate them with text, questions, and interactive objects to share with your learners online.

Join Richard Van Eck, Ph.D., associate dean for Teaching and Learning; Andrew Lundstrum, simulation education & mobile specialist; and Courtney Maguire, simulation education coordinator, for the first of two faculty development workshops on SimTutor — “Building Online Interactive Simulations and Tutorials with SimTutor” — at noon on Thursday, Feb. 11.

Zoom link:

The session will be recorded.

In this first workshop, we’ll discuss and demonstrate the different kinds of learning modules you can build with SimTutor, including:

  • Interactive simulations (e.g., team-based interprofessional simulations in clinical settings).
  • “Choose Your Own Adventure” (e.g., turn-based interactions where you ask a patient questions and get responses, or take actions and see the results).
  • Tutorials (e.g., setting up a lab bench for research, orientation to a new environment).

The MD program has been using SimTutor to deliver simulations for almost one full year, and the Physician Assistant Studies and Medical Lab Science programs are exploring the tool for use in their programs next year. Education Resources also has a limited number of licenses available to faculty in other programs who want to build content for their teaching. Join us to learn more about what you can do and see what simulations can look like.

(Note: the second workshop will be a focused training session on how to use SimTutor once you’ve decided what kind of modules you want to build.)

This faculty development session is hosted by the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship unit of Education Resources, the SMHS Simulation Center, and the Office of Education and Faculty Affairs. Previous faculty development sessions can be streamed from our website. If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to suggest a future meeting topic, please contact Adrienne Salentiny at