For Your Health Migrated

News from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS).

Faculty development: Using social media for healthcare education Feb. 18

The Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship group invites you to attend “Using Social Media to Support Medical and Health Care Education,” a presentation by Dr. Gunjan Manocha and Dr. Adrienne Salentiny.

The event will be held via Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021, at noon via Zoom at:

Social media is being used as an educational tool for expanding learning in the medical field. Social media platforms can be utilized for peer-to-peer engagement, active learning, interprofessional training, and engagement of students and professionals to disseminate health care best practices. It is important to note that not all platforms are equally effective, and further project-based evaluation is always needed to ascertain retention of medical knowledge through social media platforms.

Join Dr. Manocha, director of Geriatric Education, and Dr. Salentiny, Instructional Design, as they discuss research around academic social media and their own experiences with Twitter for collaboration, networking, scholarship, and dissemination of knowledge.

This faculty development session is part of the Evidence-Based Teaching (EBT) series hosted by the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship unit of Education Resources and the Office of Education and Faculty Affairs at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. This series, held every third Thursday of the month, showcases topics of interest to the medical and health education community and is free and open to anyone at UND. Previous faculty development sessions can be streamed from our website.

This session will be recorded for future viewing online.

If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to suggest a future meeting topic, please contact Adrienne Salentiny at