For Your Health Migrated

News from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS).

Faculty development: Using OneNote to get organized on March 25

Join Education Resources and Dr. Melanie Nadeau, assistant director of the SMHS Public Health Program, for a faculty development session entitled “Using OneNote to get organized: Faculty experience” at noon on Thursday, March 25.

Join us on Zoom or view the recording after the event.

From research to teaching, from service to departmental responsibilities, we have a lot on our plates. Some faculty and staff are also seeking additional degrees or certifications, are active in professional organization activities, and have varied and unique day-to-day responsibilities. It becomes necessary to have a central location for materials and notes. Microsoft OneNote is a versatile online organization system allowing users to manage workflow and resources across devices seamlessly. Dr. Melanie Nadeau will show us how she uses OneNote for keeping track of her many priorities. She will share her experiences, challenges, tips, and tricks. This session will be beneficial to anyone seeking a customizable solution to their professional organization needs.

Dr. Nadeau is a member of the inaugural Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (TLAS) Teaching Academy Cohort, and this faculty development session is part of the Evidence-Based Teaching (EBT) series hosted by the TLAS unit of Education Resources and the Office of Education and Faculty Affairs. This series, held every third Thursday of the month, showcases topics of interest to the medical and health education community and is free and open to anyone at UND.

Previous faculty development sessions can be streamed from our website.

If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to suggest a future meeting topic, please contact Adrienne Salentiny (