For Your Health Migrated

News from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS).

Active Learning with TopHat on April 29

The SMHS Teaching, Learning and Scholarship group invites you to attend “Active Learning with TopHat: A Faculty Development Session,” presented by Dr. Amanda Haage on Thursday, April 29, from noon to 1 p.m. (CST).

The event will be streamed live on Zoom ( and recorded for later viewing.

Join Dr. Amanda Haage from the SMHS Department of Biomedical Sciences as she demonstrates the use of TopHat as a technology for the classroom. TopHat is an all-in-one active learning platform for organizing courses both in-person and online for active learning. It is currently being used by several biomedical sciences colleagues in undergraduate classes and in collaboration with clinicians for integrating basic science in the clinical years for our medical students. This workshop will focus on the range of possibilities with TopHat, from the simplicity of adding live class polling and questioning into lectures, up to fully flipped classroom experiences.

This faculty development session is hosted by the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship unit of Education Resources and the Office of Education and Faculty Affairs. These events, held on most Thursdays, showcase topics of interest to the medical and health education community and are free and open to anyone at UND. Previous faculty development sessions can be streamed from our website.

If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to suggest a future meeting topic, please contact Adrienne Salentiny (