Website Improvement

Follow UND's website improvements.

Academic Catalog Snippet Improvement

There are several places on the UND website where information is pulled directly from the current academic catalog (hosted in a software called CourseLeaf):

  • Department websites use the ‘Course Display’ snippet to auto-pull the course name, number of credits and short course descriptions
  • The Program Finder ‘Courses You Could Take’ section displays six selected course names and descriptions
  • The Program Finder Requirements pages lists all courses required to complete the degree

In the past, academic catalog snippets only pulled in currently published catalog data and could only be updated when the catalog was published each year. We now have the ability to pull in course information that has been approved through the curriculum approval process but is not yet in the published catalog.

If you have updates to any content in academic catalog snippets, follow these steps to publish accurate information to the web:

  1. Follow the Registrar’s Office process to submit changes to your program’s requirements or courses.
  2. Once information has been approved by the Registrar, contact Aimee Halstenson to pull in up-to-date and approved information to any of the snippets.