Website Improvement

Follow UND's website improvements.

UND Calendar Improvements

The UND Calendar feeds events automatically into web pages and the new My UND app. Improvements to UND Calendar filters were established to ensure events are getting fed into the correct places. Moving forward, please follow guidelines when submitting events.

1. Keywords May Convert to Tags

Many areas across campus can benefit from tagging events. Keywords are used solely to pull events into webpages. Tags are searchable in the calendar as well as allows users to view like events in one place. Tags can also be pulled directly into webpages. Marketing will contact you if your area will be converting to a tagging system instead of using widget keywords.

Example: Pride Movie Night as well as other Pride events have been tagged with ‘Pride’. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Pride tag to view all Pride events.

2. Audiences and Student Life

When selecting audiences, be realistic of who is interested in your event. Events can have more than one audience but checking them all is being done too frequently and cluttering the events feeds.

    • Current Students – The Student Life group was removed and replaced with Current Students. If you want your event to be promoted to current students (undergraduate and graduate), you must select Current Student as an audience. This will pull into the Student Life feed in the website, calendar and the app.
    • Alumni
    • Faculty & Staff – Pulls into Campus homepage and could be incorporated into U-Letter.
    • General Public
    • Prospective Students – Used only for official Admission events.

3. Events by Colleges & Schools

These should be selected based on what college/school submitted the event and what students would be interested in this event. It is recommended that all colleges pull their events into their homepage to gain more visibility for their events.

Example: Frontier Airlines Visit was submitted by Aerospace and the Aerospace college was selected in the Events by Colleges & Schools dropdown. Business & Public Administration should also be selected as it applies to current business students as well. This event should also include several topics to promote across campus: Current Student audience (to be promoted through Student Life channels), Jobs & Careers and Lectures & Professional Development.

4. Topic

Topics and Event Types have been consolidated to streamline the calendar’s filtering system. Feeds can be created to pull these topics directly into your website without using tags or keywords.

    • Academic Calendar – Used only for official NDUS and UND dates and deadlines.
    • Arts & Music
    • Athletics
    • Diversity & Inclusion
    • Health & Wellness
    • Careers & Jobs
    • Lectures & Presentations
    • Research

5. Academic Calendar

UND’s official dates and deadlines will no longer use audiences. Academic calendar dates and deadlines will pull into the academic calendar website, academic calendar feed in the UND calendar and app, but will be hidden from other areas of the website and app.

6. Reoccurring Events

Student Life marketing channels were taken over by recurring events. Events that take place daily may be presented differently in Student Life promotions.

Example: Walk In Academic Advising – Shows up Tuesdays & Thursdays (not daily)