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You Made it to WEEK 2! Keep it up!

Complete your squares TODAY

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PLANT POWER Action Items

Don't know where to start? Try some of these tips in your daily routine:

Changing a favorite recipe to be plant-based
  • Make burritos or tacos with beans, rice, and veggies
  • Prepare chilli with beans
  • Try out a plant-based meat and substitute it for beef, chicken, etc.
    • Trust me, plant-based meats have really improved in flavor in the last few years
  • Make lentil or split pea soup without using meat or chicken or beef broth
Loading up on vegetables
  • Fill up half of your plate with veggies at lunch and dinner
  • Enjoy vegetables as a snack with hummus, salsa, or guacamole
Vegetarian dinner ideas
Good fats examples
  • Vegetable oils (olive, canola, sunflower, soy, and corn)
  • Nuts and nut butters
  • Seeds
  • Fish
Whole grain breakfasts
Get your greens
  • Kale, collards, Swiss chard, spinach, and other greens
  • Incorporate these as a base in salads
  • Steam, grill, braise, or stir fry to preserve flavors and nutrients
Salad inspiration
  • Fill a bown with greens such as romaine, spinach, or red leafy greens
  • Add in an assortment of other vegetables along with fresh herbs, beans, fruit, or tofu
  • Salad ideas
  • More salad ideas!
Fruit for dessert?

Additional Resourse from Kaiser Permanente:

Plant-Based Eating


Did Someone Say Prizes?!

target gift card image
Don't forget- we have prizes! At the 2 week mark, there is a chance to win one of five- $20 gift cards (if you have 2 BINGOS). There are also freebies for everyone who has at least 2 BINGOs.

At the end of the challenge, TWO GRAND PRIZES will be drawn if the participant has completed all 4 weeks (two - $100 Target gift cards).

What IS Nutrition BINGO?

Nutrition BINGO is a Work Well sponsored program geared to build your awareness around healthy food and how to personalize your lifelong eating style.

Nutrition BINGO runs from February 26 - March 25

Log your progress TODAY

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