College of Engineering & Mines

Updates for students, alumni, supporters and constituents

Grand Challenge Scholar Program

Grand Challenge Scholar Program: $500 per semester and up to $6000 in program support!

Due September 15, 2021

We are looking for highly motivated on-campus freshman and sophomore students to take on the National Academy of Engineering’s Grand Challenge Scholar Program. This is an opportunity for students to work towards a research project and portfolio that helps address one of the 14 “Grand Challenges” identified by the NAE. Students that are accepted into this program will take classes outside of their major, such as in entrepreneurship or courses relevant to their challenge, perform research on-campus with a faculty member over a few semesters, work on a Global Aspect (such as Engineers Without Borders), and complete Service Learning (tutoring) at UND. This program will take about 2.5-3 years to complete, so applicants should have that much time left in the undergrad. Students will start in the Fall by looking for an advisor for their challenge and developing their own portfolio and plan for completing the requirements to earn a Medal and recognition from the NAE.

Application Link: