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GEOL 591: Geothermal Energy Project Course

Geothermal Energy Project

GEOL 591: Directed Studies
Sect 09 – Class Number 21224
Dr. William Gosnold

Date and Place:

Monday 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Online (Blackboard Zoom)
On-Campus (UND Leonard Hall, Room 107)

About this Class
Geothermal energy is a sustainable and ecologically sound resource that can replace fossil fuels for a variety of applications including direct-use for heating and cooling and for electrical power generation. This course is an investigation of the process for and impact of the development of geothermal energy in a sedimentary basin. The course covers identification and assessment of the resource, direct-use in district heating and in industrial/greenhouse operations, and electrical power generation with binary power systems. The need for reducing carbon emissions due to burning fossil fuels will also be covered at the beginning of the semester. The prerequisite is graduate standing.

Course Flyer containing text displayed above.