College of Engineering & Mines

Updates for students, alumni, supporters and constituents

A vintage black and white photograph of a man presenting several spacecraft in front of a chalkboard filled with complex equations.

Getting to the Moon on Time

Categories: News

A vintage black and white photograph of a man presenting several spacecraft in front of a chalkboard filled with complex equations.

UND alum John Disher helped NASA’s Apollo moon mission meet JFK’s deadline If not for a critical assessment of NASA’s timeline for landing on the moon—co-authored by a University of North Dakota engineering graduate—the United States probably wouldn’t have celebrated the 50th anniversary of the event in July. On May 25, 1961, speaking to a […]

Two students performing academic research outdoors

Calling all Future Engineers!

Categories: News

Two students performing academic research outdoors

Do you know a future engineer?👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 We are looking for the next generation of engineers. Do you know someone creative, innovative, and inspired enough to make the world a better place? Engineers design our machines, etch our computer chips, build our bridges, power our cities and extract our natural resources. They fuel innovation and grow […]