Chester Fritz Library Updates

News and notes from UND's Chester Fritz Library

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Yellow hard hat with words "Under Construction" on it

Library Renovation: 12/10/18

Categories: In and Around CFL, Renovation Updates, Updates and Changes

Yellow hard hat with words "Under Construction" on it

Good morning, everyone! We’re planning to have weekly updates about what is happening with our renovation. If you’d like to follow only the renovation updates, check out the Renovation Updates page on this blog. We will remain open during the entire project. During Finals Week, we will take efforts to keep the noise to a minimum. What’s already […]

Preparation Begins for CFL Renovations!

Categories: In and Around CFL, Notes from the Dean, Renovation Updates, Updates and Changes

At the tail end of 2018, we are beginning our scheduled $10 million partial renovation of the Chester Fritz Library (CFL). This renovation focuses on the front and rear entrances, as well as the major traffic circulation paths through the building. For those of you who have been in the CFL, you know well how […]

Follow #CFLibrary on facebook, twitter, instagram, and our blog

Do you know what’s going on at CFL?

Categories: In and Around CFL, Library Events, Resources, Tips and Tricks

Follow #CFLibrary on facebook, twitter, instagram, and our blog

Are you following CFL on social media? Or are you missing out on what’s we’ve been up to? Scary things like Zombie Tag: Zombie Tag is coming to the Chester Fritz Library on October 26th. Beware, you're in for a scare! — Chester Fritz Library (CFL) (@UND_CFLibrary) October 5, 2018 And fun things like […]