Chester Fritz Library Updates

News and notes from UND's Chester Fritz Library

Posts Tagged
young adult

collage of 12 book covers

Hot CFL Summer 2023

Categories: Reader's Advisory

collage of 12 book covers

August is one of the hottest months in Grand Forks. Beat the heat by kicking back with a book from our popular reading collection! Your intrepid CFL librarians found the most popular reads in libraries across the country* to recommend only the best additions to your hot CFL summer. *The last line of each recommendation […]

collage of 12 books

12 Books to Celebrate Disability Pride Month

Categories: Reader's Advisory

collage of 12 books

Disability Pride Month is celebrated in July in the United States to commemorate the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. Disability Pride Month is not about ignoring or minimizing the barriers that people with disabilities face. It is about celebrating, honoring, and promoting people with disabilities. Here are 12 books that everyone should read this July.