John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences

News and information from the UND John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences.

Outstanding Graduate Students Named at Spring Luncheon

Like last year, Space Studies named two campus “Student of the Year” awards. This year, the nominations came from students and the final selection was made by faculty and staff. Each received a plaque to commemorate the award.

The award is based on academic achievements, leadership and service to the fellow students, the department, college, university and the community.

1) JOSHUA NELSON One nomine states “as President of Dakota Space Society, he has organized multiple events involving outreach to the university or benefit to Space Studies Students. He always seems to be on campus, and has volunteered his time to the department on multiple occasions for a variety of tasks.” Another nominee states “he regularly forwards e-mails regarding external job opportunities and internships. He is a GTA, though sometimes he cannot get out of bed in time for Dr. Gaffey’s class.”

2) JESSICA BLAGEN About our next winner one nomine states that “I have seen this student work very hard on her courses, thesis and other research activities. She is always willing to help in extracurricular activities, be it Dakota Space Society, or hosting prospective students at her home. She is always willing to assist anyone who is need of her help.”