North Dakota Law

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What to Do After a Car Accident: Professor Paul Traynor offers expert advice to WalletHub

Paul E. Traynor

Assistant Professor of Law, School of Law, University of North Dakota

Should a driver always report an accident to their insurance company, regardless of the scale?

No. If the property damage is minimal and below a collision deductible there is no reason to report every incident to your insurance company, however, always report accidents to your insurance company involving injuries to anyone.

What is the most important thing to remember after getting in a car accident?

Remain calm. Make sure the people in your vehicle are safe and uninjured and check on the status of other people involved in the accident regarding injuries. If there is a risk of injuries, call the police and emergency responders to check on the people involved.

Should a driver consider switching car insurance companies after an accident?

No, unless they have a history of prior claims or driving citations that make them an increased risk.

Do you have any advice for dealing with insurance companies after a car accident, based on personal experience?

Your insurance company is there to represent your interests so cooperate with their investigation and let them do the talking for you to any other insurers that may represent other people involved in the accident.

Read the original article by WalletHub