Press Releases

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Media Advisory: UND physicists to host Manhattan Project expert on ‘Cosmic Pi’ podcast

Guest Cameron Reed will discuss construction of atomic bomb, historical accuracy of ‘Oppenheimer’

Two UND physicists will be joined on Tuesday, March 12, on their Cosmic Pi podcast by an expert on the Manhattan Project, at a time of increased public interest in the subject.

Cameron Reed, professor of physics emeritus at Alma College in Alma, Mich., will be the guest on the podcast, which is hosted by Wayne Barkhouse, professor of physics and astrophysics at UND, and Robert Moore, general physical lab supervisor for the UND Department of Physics and Astrophysics . A leading authority on the Manhattan Project and the director of the project’s Los Alamos, N.M., laboratory, Robert Oppenheimer, Reed has authored four books on the subject and delivered lectures on it around the world.

“As hosts of the Cosmic Pi podcast, Robert and I are thrilled to have Dr. Cameron Reed as a guest,” Barkhouse said. “As an expert, Dr. Reed will provide in-depth knowledge about the construction of the first atomic bomb and describe how closely the movie ‘Oppenheimer’ reflected the events surrounding the Manhattan Project. We are also very excited about the chance to showcase the University of North Dakota.”

Added Moore, “With all the interest in Dr. Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project, due to the popular movie, it’s nice to have someone knowledgeable of the person and events on the show. We should have a good time discussing such a defining event in world history and the controversial man at the heart of it all.”

Barkhouse said the impetus behind launching Cosmic Pi is to educate the public and UND students on topics relating to physics and astronomy at a non-expert level.

The podcast will be streamed on the Department of Physics & Astrophysics’ YouTube channel  on Tuesday, March 12, at 3:00 p.m. After the production, the episode will continue to be available at the website, as are all other episodes of the Cosmic Pi podcast.

Media Contact: Tracy Backstrom,
