University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

OLLI@UND offers IMPACT – Self Defense for Women

Many of you know the UND Womens Center offers IMPACT – Self Defense for Women – a 20 hour, one credit class for the female students at UND. But did you know that Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UND (OLLI@UND) offers a 12 hour class to anyone 18 years and older?

Did you know that in 2008, the CVIC in Grand Forks served more than 703 clients who were adult victims of abuse and 48 were adult victims of sexual abuse? How would you handle that? What would you do? While these numbers are staggering, we have to remember that the majority of people experiencing violence tell no one.

It doesn’t matter what size or age you are, or what physical limitations you have … if you want to learn to protect yourself in case of an attack on your life, this is the class to take. Not only will you be empowered with skills, you will gain confidence by building a voice against violence. IMPACT (International Movement Promoting Assault Contravention Training) is a highly specialized self-defense program that teaches you to successfully knock out an assailant of any size. The course is based on the idea that learning is best accomplished by “doing.” A specially trained “mugger” instructor dons state-of-the-art customized padding so that you can practice the full-force defensive tactics. Take the class with your mother, sister, daughter or girlfriend. Together you will learn simple, effective self-defense skills while practicing in a safe environment. Understand how to use your emotions to help you become stronger and safer. View the IMPACT commercial at .

Membership to OLLI@UND – $35
IMPACT offered through OLLI@UND – $50
Knowing you and the women you love now have the tools to defend yourself if attacked? Priceless.

Classes are June 8, 10, 15 & 17, 2010 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) from 5 to 8 p.m.  Call now at 777-3000 or go to to register.