University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

University Within the University (U2) lists new classes

Introduction to Ergonomics Online
Open enrollment-March 1 through June 30 (0056)
Blackboard session: Attendees will be provided login information upon enrollment.
Ergonomics is introduced to participants of this new on-line training. Ergonomics will be defined along with identifying goals associated with the UND Ergonomic Program as seen at Risk factors to avoid in order to prevent cumulative trauma disorders (CTD’s) will be highlighted. Symptoms of CTD’s will be outlined, along with preventative strategies. Presenter: Claire Moen

Internet Safety for Kids: A Parent’s Guide
May 25, 1 to 3:30 p.m., Carnegie Hall, Telecom Training Lab, Lower Level Room 7
The Internet can help kids learn, communicate, and socialize, but it also exposes them to certain risks. Parents will learn how to protect their young children and teens and keep them safe online. Some of the topics include: risks associated with popular Internet tools and social networking sites; how to filter objectionable Web content and use parental control software; cyberbullying and how to prevent it; how to educate children about Internet predators; and Web resources for parents to learn and then use to educate their children. Presenter: Brad Miller

Depression in the Workplace
May 26, 8:30 to 10 a.m., Memorial Union, Lecture Bowl
Depression currently ranks as one of the top three medical problems in the workforce and is costing employers billions of dollars per year. Research has shown that one in ten Americans will experience depression in his or her lifetime. This presentation will help you understand what depression is and what you can do to minimize the impact of lines for constructive intervention when the symptoms of depression are displayed by your employees and colleagues. Presenter: Tom Olson, St Alexis Employee Assistance Program

Dealing With Grief and Loss
May 26, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Memorial Union, Lecture Bowl
This presentation will explore common difficulties in talking with others and in coming to grips with our own loss and grief. The grieving process and means of responding to the grief and losses of others will be explored. Coping strategies will be introduced along with the means of responding to the losses of others. Presenter: Tom Olson, St Alexis Employee Assistance Program

The Office of IP Commercialization & Economic Development – What Does It Do?
June 1, 9 to 10 a.m., Swanson Hall, Room 16-18
The hard-working staff of the Office of Intellectual Property Commercialization and Economic Development is tasked with shaping a relatively small but important part of the University’s future. Learn about how the University protects its valuable innovations and creative efforts, how transfer and commercialization of technology are achieved through third-party licensing, and how the University’s creators are rewarded through royalty sharing. Presenters: Jason Jenkins and Tara Kopplin

Defensive Driving
June 3, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Skalicky Tech Incubator
This session is required by State Fleet for all UND employees who drive State Fleet vehicles on a regular (monthly) basis, received a traffic violation, or had an accident while operating a State Fleet vehicle. Employees are encouraged to bring a family member (spouse or dependents). This session may also reduce your North Dakota insurance premiums and could possibly remove points from your driving record. Presenter: Eric Pearson

— Patricia Young, ContinuingEd/Outreach Support, 777-0720,