University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Saturday student recruitment dates listed

Enrollment Services appreciates your willingness to participate in the recruitment activities that are planned throughout the year.  The Fall 2010 new student enrollment success is related to the ongoing increase in prospective student visitors served by the campus this year.  The demand from students and their families to connect with academic departments has increased as well.  On behalf of the Enrollment Services staff, thank you for taking time to help meet this need.
As you plan for the coming year, please review the following summary of Saturday recruitment opportunities for which your assistance is requested.   Though more details will follow, please mark your calendars accordingly.

Large Group Recruitment Events
Saturday, Nov. 6: Fall Open House (audience: mainly high school seniors)
Saturday, March 26: Spring Open House (audience: high school juniors and seniors)

Saturday, April 16: Transfer Student Getting Started hosted by Student Success Center (audience: transfer students needing advisement and course registration)
ViewND Saturdays
While the large group events above require participation from every department, Enrollment Services also welcomes prospective students to campus on six other “ViewND Saturdays” throughout the year.  On these days we make every effort to meet student requests to meet with individuals who are familiar with their academic interest(s).  The following is a list of ViewND Saturdays Enrollment Services is open in the coming academic year: Sept. 18, Oct. 2, Dec. 4, Jan. 22, Feb. 5, and April 30.  Thank you. — Kenton Pauls, Enrollment Services.