University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Nominate students, celebrate Nontraditional Student Recognition Week Nov. 7-13

In recognition of nontraditional student success at the University of North Dakota, Nontraditional Student Recognition Week will be held Nov. 7-13. The Student Success Center’s Adult Re-entry program encourages campus support and participation.

Department celebrations and student nominations are sought to highlight campus support and nontraditional student success. A nontraditional student will receive a recognition award and presented at a Nontraditional Student Recognition Award celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 9 (more details to come). Submit completed nomination forms by Friday, Oct. 22, to the Adult Re-entry, Stop 7143, or email to . Download the nomination form and schedule of events for the week at

Nontraditional Student Recognition Week is an annual event celebrated in conjunction with the national Association of Nontraditional Students in Higher Education (ANTSHE) to highlight campus support. Please join in the celebration of nontraditional student success in your department. Contact our office for further information or to add your event to our calendar of events for the week!
-Sandy Monette, Adult Re-entry Coordinator, Student Success Center.