University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Applications sought for faculty research fellowships

Applications are invited from UND faculty for research fellowships ($1,000 each) to facilitate writing proposals for external funding of their research and scholarly activities. Offered through Research Development and Compliance (RD&C) and the University Writing Program, a limited number of faculty in teams of two (faculty proposal writer and mentor) will engage in a 10-session (one hour each) writing seminar beginning Monday, Jan. 31, at 4 p.m. and continuing on Mondays at 4 p.m. through May 2. The goal of the seminar will be for each faculty writer to complete a research proposal, with the assistance of a mentor, that will be suitable for submission to an external sponsor.

To apply:

  • Submit an application as a faculty team (writer and mentor) to RD&C of no more than two pages describing your research/scholarly activity idea.
  • Identify the organization you will target for funding.
  • List your last three examples of creative activity (e.g. publications, performances) and indicate whether they were peer reviewed and when they occurred.
  • Describe your experience with submitting external proposals, including agencies and critiques. Also include a short list of recent proposals submitted by your mentor and indicate which have been successful.
  • Discuss the significance of your research/scholarly activity.
  • Indicate your availability and commitment to attend at least nine of the 10 seminar sessions.
  • Be sure to include the name and the expected contribution of the faculty member who has agreed to serve as your mentor for this fellowship. Mentors must agree to attend at least five sessions and be available to assist you in writing and developing your proposal outside the seminar. Mentors also will receive $1,000 stipends. If you need help locating a mentor, contact Barry Milavetz at RD&C (777-4280 or

Selection Criteria:

  • Potential for completing a draft proposal by May 13, 2011.
  • Significance and impact of proposed research/scholarly activity.
  • Potential for funding by proposed sponsor.
  • Evidence of commitment by writer and mentor.
  • Participant must be the P.I. on the external proposal.

Deadline: Monday, Jan. 10, 2011

Submit application to RD&C, 105 Twamley Hall or email to

— Barry Milavetz, associate vice president for Research.