University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

From President Kelley: Service to North Dakota

Dear Members of the Campus Community:

The University of North Dakota does a remarkable job of addressing the state of North Dakota and its citizens. Often, that service is quietly rendered. It would be of great value to the University to have a summary of the many ways we fulfill our mission and serve North Dakota.

To that end, the Office of University Relations is creating an online catalog of public service to the state, and I ask you to share information from your area with University Relations so we can include it in the database.

For example, we are looking for such things as:

  • Presentations, courses, workshops held within the state — outside of Grand Forks — during the past two years.
  • Consultations, workforce development projects, or other kinds of direct service to an organization or a business within North Dakota during the past two years.
  • Service on or assistance to professional and service organizations.
  • Students who have provided service or assistance through courses or through their desire to be beneficial, such as the School of Law students who have held tax clinics around the state or nursing students who have provided community health assessments.

Please forward whatever information you can as soon as practical to Jan Orvik, Office of University Relations, at If you want more direction, please feel free to contact either Peter Johnson (777-2731) or Jan Orvik (777-3621) in University Relations.

Thank you for your help.

— President Robert O. Kelley.