University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Culinary Corner offers Crock Pot Cooking class

The crock pot is one of the best time-saving appliances in the kitchen-perfect for the cook with limited time. It’s also great for beginning cooks. All you do is fill it and turn it on. Hours later, you come home to a house filled with wonderful smells and dinner ready for the table.

Join us in the Culinary Corner on your lunch break and prepare tonight’s dinner for you and your family. Please bring your own crock pot or slow cooker.

Class dates are Feb. 10, Feb. 24, March 10, March 24, April 7 and April 28. Class starts at noon.

Price: $19/each session

To register, go to

— Karina Wittmann, Coordinator of Nutrition, Health and Wellness, 777-0769,