University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

U-Shine Award nominations sought

The U-Shine Award was developed by Staff Senate to recognize and award outstanding staff employees who make a difference on our campus. All benefited staff employees are eligible for nomination. UND faculty, staff and students are encouraged to nominate and recognize that special someone who, they believe, did something extraordinary, or have gone above and beyond the call of duty in one or more of the following categories:

  • excellent team player
  • positive attitude
  • outstanding customer service, innovation and creativity
  • going the extra mile; magnificent motivator
  • loyalty and commitment to UND
  • a category of the nominator’s choosing

Nomination forms are available on the Staff Senate web site at or at Dining Services, Facilities and the Memorial Union Post Office. The deadline for submission is the 15th of each month. All nominations received after the 15th will be considered the following month. Each month, Staff Senate Executive Committee will select one award winner from the nominations received and present the award winner with a check for $50.

— Shelley Pohlman, Alumni and Community Relations, 777-4305,