University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Students participate in “Pay it Forward Tour” over Spring Break

Approximately 70 UND students will spend their Spring Break traveling to Denver and Washington, D.C., to help others as part of the annual “Pay it Forward Tour.”  This is the sixth year UND students have participated in the event, which is organized by the University’s chapter of Students Today, Leaders Forever.

During the nine-day trip, each group will make six intermediate stops to conduct service projects and join students from other schools.  Students will clean up along a polluted river, help parks and recreation departments remove brush from trails, volunteer for charity events, and build a house for Habitat for Humanity.

Each bus will have a student blogger on the trip. Adam Svercl (763-458-1439, will be on the Washington bus and Hannah Bahnmiller (218-230-0522, will cover the Denver bus. Each blogger will make periodic Twitter updates along with posts to a UND STLF blog (

The Pay it Forward Tour was started in 2004 by students at the University Minnesota. It provides alternative spring breaks that allow students to participate in service, education and reflection. The organization is headquartered in Minneapolis and has chapters on 30 campuses.

For more information, contact Hidemaru “Ted” Shibata, trip coordinator, Washington, D.C. bus, at 808-652-5920 or or Emily Christian, coordinator, Denver bus, at 218-791-9834 or