University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Campus space management committee begins work

Dear Campus Community:
As identified in the MIRA implementation plan, a Space Management Committee has been appointed and their work has begun.

Space is one of our most expensive resources on campus. In recognition of that fact, the MIRA Space Management Committee has divided into four working groups: Classrooms, Research, Office Space, and Communications; which will look at a number of issues and questions as they do their work over the next few months. The Classrooms, Research, and Office Space working groups each have a charge to draft guidelines on how space will be allocated and used strategically. They will take into consideration the data gathered as part of the master planning effort. The end-product of the work will be language for the space policy and the space manual.

The MIRA Space Management Committee plans to have a draft of the space policy and space manual ready for campus input by late April, at which time there will be a campus open forum to solicit feedback. In addition, the MIRA website will be updated to include the drafts of the proposed policies and guidelines. It is important to note that there is a process in place for campus review of policy that will be adhered to. This work will complement the campus master planning work that is currently ongoing.

— Dave Chakraborty, Associate Vice President Facilities, Chair of Master Planning Committee and MIRA Space Management Committee