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You've made it to week 2! Keep up the great work.

Log your progress toward your goal

Creating Healthy Habits & Sticking With Them

Know Your Habits

  • Create an awareness around what you do regularly
  • Look for patterns in your behavior and what triggers the habits you want to change.

Develop a Plan

  • Come up with your SMART goals for behavior change
  • Include microsteps that are reasonable for you to complete and sustain
    • Think about your triggers- how can you make a plan to avoid or mitigate them?
    • Wherever possible, make the healthy choice the easy choice
  • Plan for obstacles
    • How can you still make healthy choices during unexpected situations, stressful times, or tempted by old habits?
      • Think through all possibilities, come up with a plan

Stay on Track

  • Keeping a record can help
    • Paper journal, computer program, app on the phone to track your habits and work towards your goal
      • A study of people who lost at least 30 pounds and kept the weight off for at least a year found that they often tracked their progress closely!
  • "Even when you think you're about to 'fall off the wagon', hold on, continue to track your behavior. Sometimes when you feel like you're failing, you learn the most", says Dr. Susan Czajkowski.

Think About the Future

  • Focusing on how behavior change might be beneficial to your health and well-being can help to resist impulses
  • Even small microsteps is a step in the right direction
    • When you stop smoking, your risk of heart attack drops within 24 hours
    • Small improvements in nutrition and physical activity can reduce your health risks and lengthen your life

Practice Patience!

  • Sometimes when we try to adopt healthier habits, other health issues can get in the way
    • When you are struggling with behaviors, ask yourself if more is going on
      • For example: Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety can be tied to unhealthy behaviors
  • Seek out a health professional with assistance in addressing underlying issues to make change feel easier and help you be more successful
  • Remember: Change is a process. What's most important is to keep moving forward!


Did Someone Say Prizes?!

Don't forget- we have prizes! At the 2 week mark, there is a chance to win one of five - $20 gift cards (if you have 2 weeks completed). At the end of the challenge, TWO GRAND PRIZES will be drawn if the participant has completed all 4 weeks (two - $100 gift cards).

What IS The Level Up Challenge?

The Level Up Challenge is a Work Well sponsored program designed to help motivate you to make daily micro-additions to help you reach your chosen goal.

Invite a friend, challenge a coworker, and join us to Level Up today!

The Level Up Challenge runs January 7 - February 3, 2024

Log Your Goal Today!

Our mission is to advocate for a culture of wellness for UND faculty and staff through innovative engagement opportunities. | 701.777.0210