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It's Week 1 of GET MOVING!

REGISTER or Log Your Steps TODAY!

Participate in a UND Walking Moai!

A Walking Moai is more than motivation to get moving. It's an active time out for healthy conversation. It's a boost for your mood. It's a meeting that is anything but boring.
Walking Moais are groups of people that get together and take a walk at least once a week for 10 weeks. Participating in a walking moai gets you moving during the work day and connecting with colleagues.

Currently, we have 8 Walking Moais:
Don't see a walking moai leader in your area? Start up your own!
It's easy to start a moai. Leaders will need to take attendance of participants and spread the word in their offices to get colleauges to join the walk. It's that simple. Email Kathryn Wise to learn more and get started with your own Moai.
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North Dakota Walking Maps

Grand Forks





Did Someone Say Prizes?!

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Log in and enter your steps today! The goal is to get you moving and get those steps in. Don't forget- there are chances to win halfway point prizes with TWO $100 GRAND PRIZES given at the end. Everyone who completes the challenge will receive NEW Get Moving socks and a worksite wellness voucher for their Sanford Health Profile!

What's the Get Moving Challenge?

Let's GET MOVING! The Get Moving Challenge is a collaboration designed to encourage the UND Community (Faculty/Staff/Friends/Family) to walk at least 10,000 steps each day and educate on the importance of physical activity and social connectedness. The Get Moving Challenge will have you moving more by the end of the challenge! The Get Moving Challenge runs from August 20 - September 16.
Our mission is to advocate for a culture of wellness for UND faculty and staff through innovative engagement opportunities. | 701.777.0210