
You're more than HALFWAY through the challenge! Keep it up :)

BIKE IT Challenge Week 2 Recap

Log your stats TODAY!

BIKE IT Week 2 Recap KRW 2023


The Nationally Recognized Program, Bicycle Benefits, is another reason to ride! Ride your bike to participating businesses to receive discounts on your purchase.
  • Participating businesses offer a discount to patrons that bike to their business.
  • Patrons who visit that business and show their Bicycle Benefits sticker on their helmet would receive the discount.
  • If patrons do not have a sticker yet, they would be able to purchase a sticker at any of the participating businesses or at Grand Forks Public Health.
  • As noted, this is a nationally recognized program with several businesses that participate across the country, so a person may even be able to find a participating business if back home or traveling.
  • Additional information specific to Grand Forks can be found on the Live Well Grand Cities page.
View Grand Forks partitipating locations HERE
bike benefits info page

Let's Get Rollin'!

garmin watch grand prize
LOG IN and record your BIKE IT Challenge stats TODAY! Jump on the stationary bike, rollerblades, or get outside and enjoy the fresh air with a free-standing bicycle. Each time you bike, you earn points!

Every 30 minutes or 5+ miles of biking you complete, you receive 10 points. Wear a helmet and earn an easy 5 points!

BONUS! Every day you ride your bike instead of driving, you earn 10 points. Examples include grocery shopping, going out to eat, running errands, etc.

Earn 100 points and get entered into a gift card drawing. Make it all the way to 200 points and be entered for a chance to win this Garmin Forerunner 955 Solar Watch! Every additional 100 points gives you an additional entry in the watch drawing.

BIKE IT Challenge runs from July 9- August 5.

Record your progress TODAY!

Our mission is to advocate for a culture of wellness for UND faculty and staff through innovative engagement opportunities. | 701.777.0210