University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

March 27: Finnish Fulbright Scholar speaks on curriculum reform

Fulbright scholar Taina Maarit Wewer from Turku University, Finland, will present “Introduction to Finland and Curriculum Reform” on Monday, March 27, at 9 a.m. in Education Building Room 115.  All are welcome.

Dr. Wewer is a teacher trainer and teacher in bilingual instruction in the Teacher Training School at Turku University. In recent years, she has also been active in teacher-in-service training pertaining to the 2016 reform of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education in Finland. She is currently a Fulbright Scholar in Residence at Denison University, Ohio. Direct any questions to: Tami Carmichael, Integrated Studies & American College of Norway Programs, 7-3015,