For Your Health
For Your Health

News from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences

Judges needed for N.D. State Science and Engineering Fair on April 5

UND will again host the North Dakota State Science and Engineering Fair (NDSSEF) on April 5, 2024, in the UND Memorial Union in Grand Forks. Medicine and health, microbiology, biochemistry, and life sciences are among the top categories typically represented in the student projects.

Approximately 150 projects will be on display from students in grades 6-12. This event is the culmination of a series of competitions at the school and regional levels. State Science Fair winners in the senior division (grades 9-12) will go on to compete at the International Science and Engineering Fair.

One of the commitments that UND makes in hosting the State Science Fair is to supply the bulk of the judges for the event and approximately 100 judges are needed to make this successful. Faculty, post-docs, graduate students, senior undergraduates with research experience, and research staff are invited to help judge student projects for the event.

If you wish to volunteer to judge the fair, please register here. The fair typically lasts from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., but you can choose to judge only the morning or afternoon session if you cannot attend for the entire day. Additional information about the fair will be sent later to registered judges

If you have any questions, please contact NDSSEF organizers at or Dr. Nuri Oncel (UND Department of Physics and Astrophysics) at