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Patient Education Material: McGraw Hill

Are you looking for materials to help better explain side effects of a medication or disease/ condition to your patient or maybe for yourself? Perhaps in multiple languages? Did you know that McGraw Hill AccessMedicine and several other Access specialty platforms have a Patient Education Corner to help you with that? Included in the Patient Education Corner are Adult and Pediatric Advisors that are downloadable PDF handouts (as well as an option to email the handout) of various conditions and tests explained in patient language, like the A1C test for diabetes, available in multiple languages. Also included is the Medicines Advisor, which are medication handouts that define the medication, side effects, how to use the medication and much more. Fun note: you can even customize the PDF with your institution’s logo or add a personal message by creating/signing into your Access profile.

A screenshot of Access Medicine Patient Education Corner with text "Patient Education Handouts" on top left. Side left is text "Adult Advisor, Medicines Advisor, and Pediatric Advisor

AccessPharmacy also has patient education handouts in the drug monographs section. These handouts are available in English and Spanish. Like the Medicines Advisor, the patient education handouts in AccessPharmacy describe the medication, list side effects and reasons for taking the medications, and much more.

Screenshot of Access Pharmacy Drug Monograph Patient Handouts, with text "Drug Monographs" on top Left