SMHS Library Resources

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MedlinePlus: A Patient Education Tool

Has your doctor recently ordered a test or screen procedure? Would you like to review information on how the test will be performed and how the results are interpreted? Or as a physician, do you need plain language material to use for patient education?

MedlinePlus, a service offered through the National Library of Medicine is a great resource for to educate patients and their families on an array of topics.

Under the “Medical Tests” tab, you can direct a patient to these screenings and tests or print out information for them in order to educate them on these tests/screenings.

Other topics of interest that MedlinePlus provides consumer friendly information about are genetic conditions, drugs and supplements, health topics, and also provides a medical encyclopedia. Patients may also find the videos in health topics quite interesting as they are animations of topics about diseases, health conditions, and wellness issues.

There is a complete mirror version in Spanish and other entries have translations into as many as 60 languages.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.