SMHS Library Resources

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ClinicalKey: Unlock Answers

ClinicalKey, is available to all UND medical students, residents, and employees and has a variety of tools to help make sure you are practice ready. Use the search box at the top of the page to search for articles, guidelines, overviews, and more on specific topics or browse the clinical content boxes on the bottom half of the screen.

In addition to access to thousands of journals, ClinicalKey allows you to browse and read more than 300 full-text books. You can choose current books in more than thirty specialties such as dermatology, epidemiology, family medicine, neurosurgery, and more. Especially useful for students and residents is ClinicalKey’s collection of procedure videos – your UND credentials allow you to access videos that include practical demos of anatomical dissections as well as instructional clinical examinations.

ClinicalKey is not only useful for your research and studying but also provides clinical overviews, patient education materials, and calculators which means it can also be used as a point-of-care tool. We recommend creating a personal account so you can save, organize, and share content and use the ClinicalKey mobile app.

With applications for all clerkships and specialties from family medicine to surgery and internal medicine to psychiatry, this clinical tool is extremely useful no matter where you are in your UND career. For help accessing ClinicalKey online, which can be found under “Quick Links” on the our homepage, or via the app or for assistance with any of your searching needs contact us for assistance!