John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences

News and information from the UND John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences.

Atmospheric Sciences Seminar – November 12, 2009

Rebecca L. Phillips, Plant Physiologist with the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Mandan, ND, will present a seminar on “Understanding trace gas exchange between soils, plants, and the atmosphere” on Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 3 p.m. in Clifford Hall, Room 210. The seminar is free and open to the public. All faculty, staff and students are invited to come hear about the diverse field of aerosol research.


Biological mechanisms responsible for production and consumption of radiatively active trace gases, including methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide will be discussed. This seminar will review trace gas properties, processes, measurement techniques, research results, and research needs. Biological processes will be reviewed, including nitrification, denitrification, methanotrophy, methanogenesis, photosynthesis, and respiration. Measurement techniques discussed will include gas chromatography, membrane inlet mass spectrometry, acetylene block, and eddy covariance systems. Trace gas research needs related to the ecophysiology of plants and soil biota, will be emphasized.