University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Seminar will focus on wetlands and development

Greg Meyer, a consultant for McCain & Associates, will present a seminar titled “Wetlands and Development – Can They Coexist?” at 7 p.m.  Tuesday,  March 23, in 105 Starcher Hall.

The coexistence of wetlands and development can be a contentious issue.  The U.S Army Corps of Engineers has developed protocol to identify and delineate wetland boundaries and provide mitigation for them.   Meyer will discuss the current status of wetlands in the region and outline and discuss the protocol used to identify and delineate wetlands.

Meyer, who has spent years studying wetlands in the Upper Midwest, earned his bachelor’s degree  at Concordia College, Moorhead. He later earned his masater’s degree from UND, where he examined the effects of landscape on the health of prairie wetlands in North Dakota.  He was part of a ND BRIN Graduate Teaching Internship and taught a semester of biology at Candeska Cikana Community College in Fort Totten.  His experience includes wetland, vegetation and waterfowl surveys, wetland mapping, carbon sequestration and wetland gas emissions.

Meyer, a professionally certified wetland delineator in Minnesota, works as a private consultant with McCain and Associates, Inc. where he  conducts wetland delineations and mitigations along with wildlife and botany surveys.

This event is hosted by the UND Chapter of The Wildlife Society, and everyone is welcome.