University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Schedule an SGID in your classroom

Arrangements for SGIDs (small group instructional diagnosis, a process for soliciting student feedback at midterm) can be made now. SGIDs are done by trained faculty who work as facilitators for the process in colleagues’ classrooms. A facilitator will collect information from your students, write it up into a report for you, and provide you with high-quality student input regarding their learning at mid-semester, rather than waiting until semester’s end when course evaluations are completed. Furthermore, the interactive nature of the process can motivate students to think more carefully and deeply, so SGID feedback is often more thorough, providing you with a clear understanding of student perceptions. SGIDs are intended to be formative (i.e., for your own benefit as a teacher) rather than summative (for a promotion and tenure file). To schedule an SGID, please contact Jana Lagro at or 777-4998.

— Instructional Development.