University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Register for the Reflecting on Teaching Colloquium by Sept. 21

Reflecting on Teaching: An All-Campus Colloquium on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning will be held on Friday, Sept. 30, and Saturday, Oct. 1, at the Memorial Union.

This free biannual colloquium provides a venue for faculty from across campus and the region to engage in discussion about their research on teaching and learning. This year the colloquium is held in conjunction with the Sixth Statewide Summit of the North Dakota General Education Council so we will be joined by faculty from across the state’s 17 tribal, private and public institutions.

The featured speaker is Ken O’Donnell, State University Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Policy, California State System Chancellor’s Office. O’Donnell has done extensive work on systematic change and is an active participant in the national conversation on the future of higher education (more information is available at His keynote will address the question of how to create deep learning in an increasingly mobile student population—an issue that confronts us far more than we realize. His Saturday workshop, “Building Bridges for Better Learning Across and Within Colleges & Universities,” will help faculty develop a more comprehensive view of student learning and the capability to see what is “off-screen” in order to build a better learning experience for students in our courses and majors.

We hope you will take the time to reflect on teaching—take in Ken’s keynote and workshop, attend presentations by UND faculty, and enjoy the opportunity to meet colleagues from across campus and the state. In addition to a full schedule of events, the Colloquium offers many opportunities for informal discussion and conversation over breakfast, lunch, and the concluding “High Impact Practices in North Dakota” poster presentation and reception at the North Dakota Museum of Art. We need a count for food-related events, so please register through the online form on the OID web site ( by Sept. 21, letting us know you plan to attend. You will find the schedule of events online as well. Online registration helps with planning and is greatly appreciated, but if you won’t be joining us for meals or the reception, registration will also be available onsite.