University Letter

UND's faculty and staff newsletter

Please help reduce energy consumption

Recently there has been a lot of discussion across the nation and locally of potential rolling energy blackouts. Reducing energy usage at both work and home can help reduce the potential impact.

Some potential areas where we all can help:

  • Close the window coverings to avoid thermal heating from the sun.
  • Stop using space heaters. They are not only a fire risk, but can trick the thermostat into thinking you need additional cooling, potentially making your space even cooler.
  • Work with Facilities to set the thermostat a couple of degrees warmer. Just 1-2 degrees may make a huge difference in energy usage.
  • If areas are vacant for long periods of time, let Facilities know so they can adjust the temperature accordingly.
  • Shut lights off when not in use.
  • Unplug appliances when not in use, such as departmental fridges.
  • Unplug chargers and other devices when not in use. A cell phone charging block consumes energy, even when not in use.
  • Consider moving employees to one part of a building, setting thermostats in vacant spaces to conserve energy.
  • Ensure that appliances are not next to thermostats.
  • Be sure doors and windows shut properly.

With the construction of the new steam plant, UND was able to reduce deferred maintenance and energy consumption across campus. This reducedĀ  energy consumption and environmental impact, while extending the life of many buildings.

The above graphic compares energy consumption for Hughes Fine Arts Center fromĀ  April 17 to May 14, 2019, and the same period in 2018, with an average reduction in energy consumption of 29.9%. Many other buildings have similar reductions.

Please do what you can to help conserve energy. If we all do our part, both at home and at work, it may help lessen rolling energy blackouts.

— Michael Nord, assistant director, energy & continuous improvement services, Facilities Management