College of Engineering & Mines

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Posts Tagged
energy engineering

A vision into the potential of hybrid wind-solar systems in North Dakota

Categories: News, Publications

Toluwase Omojiba, a second-year graduate student at the University of North Dakota, has embarked on the transformative journey to explore the viability of hybrid wind-solar systems for residential applications in North Dakota. A vision into the potential of hybrid wind-solar systems in North Dakota Toluwase Omojiba, a second-year graduate student at the University of North […]

Chioma Onwumelu and Moones Alamooti

The joy of discovery, friendship, and rocks

Categories: News

Chioma Onwumelu and Moones Alamooti

Chioma Onwumelu and Moones Alamooti have quite a few things in common with one another. The two women have graduated from the College of Engineering & Mines, both work at the University of North Dakota as researchers, and each has a passion for spreading awareness and inspiration for their profession. Now, they have another thing in common: they’ve written an exciting new children’s book together.