Website Improvement

Follow UND's website improvements.

New Website Image Recommendations

We have thousands of large website images that are causing slow load time and negatively impacting the way search engines view our website. To fix this, we recommend switching all newly uploaded web images from JPEG to WebP file types and reducing the mobile image size ratio.

This change does not impact images already uploaded and live on the website. It is a recommendation moving forward. This change also does not impact any WordPress or Mail Poet sites because WordPress does not accept WebP files.

WebP Files

WebP is a new file type that allows websites to display high-quality images — but with much smaller file sizes than traditional formats such as PNG and JPEG. Please follow the WebP resizing instructions on the Web Support site because WebP files cannot be edited in Modern Campus (OmniUpdate) like JPEG files.

Universal Template Mobile Image Size

For better usability, mobile billboard sizes for the Universal template are changing from 768 x 960 px to 768 x 256 px. This is the same aspect ratio as the desktop billboard image allowing you to simply change the pixel size instead of cropping two images for desktop and mobile. This new size is for the Universal template only. Mobile landing page images remain 768 x 960 px. Support helper text in the backend of Modern Campus (OmniUpdate) where you link the mobile image will be updated by UIT soon.